Rubem Perlingeiro

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Considering my current moment in life and projecting it for the next three years, I have decided to run for reelection to the Interamerican Scout Committee, motivated to continue with the work that I have been carrying out during the last four years.


In a world still suffering the consequences of the pandemic and where all National Scout Organizations (NSO) have had their membership and finances reduced, my main motivation for reapplying as member of the Interamerican Scout Committee is to support the NSOs in resuming their growth, helping to provide the resources and encouragement necessary for the work of their national scout leaders.


It is very important to call for more recognition, support and funding for non-formal education, and also engage in more cooperation agreements with organizations that share our values, as is the case of the agreement recently celebrated with the Organization of American States.


I would also like to keep on contributing to the Interamerican Scout Region, especially in the areas of Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion, and Spiritual Development, which are the topics that I have been mainly working on as a member of the Committee, as well as I would like to promote Scouting’s involvement with the Ocean Decade.


Regarding Diversity and Inclusion, I think it is very important to continue emphasizing the urgent need for policies on such matters at the NSO level, aligned with the Interamerican Scout Region’s Policy.


And I also consider the importance of developing tools for scout leaders to provide assistance and resources to their scouts, including mental health as a priority, and working with external partners to share materials and good practices about this topic. I have suggested to include health concerns in our Educational Project and these suggestions were accepted.


Sobre la Década del Océano, la promoción de la cultura oceánica es una de las metas de la UNESCO para esta década (2021-2030), proclamada por las Naciones Unidas como la Década del Océano, período que corresponde justamente a la última fase de la Agenda 2030 y que tiene el océano como un Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible específico (ODS 14).


A su vez, la Sostenibilidad fue aprobada como una prioridad estratégica de la Organización Mundial del Movimiento Scout en la última Conferencia Scout Mundial. Es decir, dejó de ser un tema tratado exclusivamente por el Programa Educativo y pasó a ser un asunto transversal a todas las áreas estratégicas.


La Región Scout Interamericana está adecuando su Plan Regional para contemplar esta nueva prioridad estratégica y alentando a las OSN a implementar planes de acción que contribuyan a la sostenibilidad de la organización en su conjunto y a la mitigación del cambio climático.

Tan pronto como empecé en el Comité, entablé contactos con el PNUMA América Latina y Caribe para impulsar la creación de la Insignia Mares Limpios en nuestra Región y, ahora, he venido trabajando para la celebración de un memorando de entendimiento, con el fin de aumentar la coparticipación entre nuestra Región y el PNUMA, y, así, impulsar el desafío “Plastic Tide Turners”, además de aumentar la actuación del Movimiento Scout en otros temas ambientales relevantes.

Las Américas son un mosaico de culturas. Necesitamos unir esfuerzos para construir la unidad. Como nos sugiere el lema de la Primera Conferencia Interamericana llevada a cabo en 1946: “La Unión de las Américas por el Escultismo”.


Muchas gracias!! Thank you very much!!

Carta de motivação
